Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

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"Mommy, Daddy I'm ready for the BEACH!!"

Well, we still have to pack but our hopeful plan is to leave for Myrtle Beach late Friday night. 
It's about a seven hour drive, so we'll be there sometime Saturday morning if all goes as planned!
My dear friend is letting us use her house for six days.
Looking forward to relaxation (as much as you can with a toddler), fun in the sun and TONS of pictures to be taken.
This pasty lady needs a tan... I look like death :)

My Birthday Cook Out

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

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Instead of going out to the bars this year, I wanted to throw a party for myself at our house.
Steve thought it was the perfect idea since it would mean saving money!

I even bought decorations!
We provided the meat, etc. for grilling and asked our friends to bring a dish if they wanted.

Everything was fan-effing-tastic.

Later in the evening we played Beers of the Round Table.
For those of you that don't know what that is....

-Each person brings a six pack of beer.  I asked my friends to bring a unique Summer brand.
-All of the beers get tasted by everyone in the room and gets rated separately.
-Whoever wins gets to keep all the beer!

Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy was the Winner!

There was even a little bit of beer pong...

I had a blast and drank way WAY too much. 
As the birthday girl should?

They forced me to take shots. Gosh.

Good times with good people.

Don't worry my Bloggy mom friends... my daughter was having a sleepover with her Grandma!

I suppose it's alright to party like a college kid every now and then... but it takes much longer to recover now.
The party was great and I feel so loved.  I have amazing friends!

Monday Listicles

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10 Reasons Birthday's are Awesome or Terrible

1. If your birthday is in the summer like mine (and my little lady,) you can plan events outside!  The downside is that it's hard to get people together because people make plans way in advance or are on vacation.

2.  I LOVE planning/decorating my kids parties.

3. I HATE cleaning up afterwards!

4.  For my birthday, I tend to over drink which means yucky hangover the next day.
I don't know how I used to party all the time when I was younger....

It's even exciting for me when Briana gets presents :)

6. Cake & Ice Cream = My favorite food group.

7. Watching my loves have a great time on their special day is the best feeling ever.

8. Another excuse to throw a party. 
I love parties.  I love throwing parties for MYSELF.  Yeah I said it.  I am an awesome party thrower.

9. Cleaning the house the night before so everyone doesn't think you're dirty S-U-C-K-S!

10. Two words= Moon Bounce.  It's entertainment all in itself.  Other than cake and food, that's really all we need to worry about. (Till she gets older anyway...)

"It's Ok" Thursday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

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It's OK...

...to celebrate my Birthday for more than one day!

...to be spoiled sometimes.

...to throw a party for myself.

...to drink like a college kid every once in awhile.

...to know that the day after my party I will feel like death and still have to go to work.

...to still crave cigarettes. (I had a dream last night of me smoking. Weird.)

...to despise Farrah from Teen Mom.  Her parents should take everything away from her so she can see how much of a c*** she's being!

...to re-wear a sports bra that I worked out in the day before, only to go exercise in it again the next day.  EWWW! Wha?

...to have "Whistle" by Flo Rida on repeat.  It never fails when I fall in love with a song, I play. It. Out.

...to want to leave my job.  I seem to have lost more patience recently...

...to wonder WHY GOD did you skip terrible two and give me terrible three!? My child is unbelievable right now.

...to realize that more people are following my blog now. YAY!

...to be PUMPED that my six day beach vacation is coming up next weekend!!

27 Years Young- Happy Birthday To Me!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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Goodbye 26... HELLO 27!
I welcome twenty seven with open arms.
Unlike a lot of people, I enjoy getting older.  I'm totally fine with it (for now at least.)
Mostly because I spent my teenage/young adult life screwing around, making DUMB dumb choices and mistakes.  I'm not totally grown up, but improvements have been made *PHEW.*  Life is good and I'm pumped to see what these next couple years have in store.

Things Accomplished at 26
{I planned a wedding (without killing anyone) and got married}

{I'm healthy and smoke free after thirteen years!
Worst habit I've ever had to quit.. never going back.}

{Briana reached three years old.  I must be doing something right!}

{I have a healthier, stronger and better looking body!}

Cheers to another year older!

~*Monday Listicles*~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

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Thanks to...

This week's Monday Listicles: A list of ten thanks!

1. Thanks to Jason Mraz for coming up with songs like these...

Get's me every time!

2. Thanks to my little Princess.  She has completely changed my life in the best way possible.  My life is far from boring thanks to her!

3.  Thanks to my Hubs for loving me even with him knowing how Imperfect I am.  He's my rock!  I couldn't imagine my life without him.

4.  Thanks to getting older.  I will be another year older on Wednesday!

5.  Thanks to my iPhone.  It's pretty self-explanatory.

6.  Thanks to food.  My body is not where I want it to be thanks to you!

7. Thanks to books and the way it sucks me in.  I never thought in a million years that reading would be a hobby of mine... but I'm a nerd and love it!

8. Thanks to Disney, Disney Junior, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and the Hub!
A lot of people trash talk about how bad TV is but my daughter's vocabulary is unbelievable.

9.  Thanks to my Family for giving me life and being a part of it... and being there for me.

10.  Thanks to Stasha and her Monday Listicle link ups!

Ten Things I Would Miss and Ten Things I Wouldn't!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

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Monday Listicles

Umm... It's Tuesday now but WHATEV!
We weren't home most the day.  Monday's used to be my lazy day but since moon bounce season is upon us, my Hubs drags me out to pick them up from the weekend events.
Whining? Maybe a little cause I'm tried.  BUT I do love helping him.

10 Things I Would Miss if I Die Today

1. My Daughter & Husband
2. All the other members of my Fam
3. July & December
4. Food
5. Friendship
6. Taking pictures (though I'm not the best photographer)
7. The improvements of my life... the feeling of hope for my family's future.
8. Ice cream
9. The Beach
10. Caffeine 

10 Things I Wouldn't Miss

1. BILLS... blah
2. Allergies... and having them all year round SUCKS!
3. Rude/mean people
4. PMSing
5. My lack of patience.
6. Working and being away from the babe and Hubs
7. Cleaning the house
8. Drama
9. Acting/thinking negatively

10. Dieting
... because in Heaven I will have the perfect body... RIGHT?!

Custom Fitness Concepts

Friday, July 6, 2012

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Exactly one year ago, I tried out my first boot camp fitness class with CFC!
My sister found them on Groupon and bought it for me thinking it would be a great idea to try before my wedding.  Best decision ever.
I went for the whole month of July and saw results.  I had to take a month off but I was back in September and never left.

Reasons I Love Boot Camp:

-I'm strong as a beast! When I started I could barely pump out a push up or burpie.
-I now LOVE burpies.
-I love running!  NEVER thought in a million years that running would be a hobby of mine.
-I love my trainers
-I've never been able to stick to a work out except for this.
-The work outs are changed up and never the same.
-I've made some great new friends.
-I have a NICE ass.  My husband thanks you CFC!
-My tummy is flatter ( I know there's a 6 pack under there somewhere...)
-My endurance on most days is unbelievable.  I can accomplish so much more than I thought ever before.
-They have 6PM classes for those that aren't morning people (ME!)
-Pregnant women still do boot camp and it's so inspiring to me!  I now know that I have no excuses whenever we decide to try for round 2.
-Gives me motivation to eat healthier (most of the time... still need to work on that)

So it all started with me wanting to get in shape for the wedding and now it's much more than that.
It's *Adult Time* and socialization that I can go to 2-3 times a week and it's also good for my body.
I feel great!  I'm not exactly where I want to be, but I know I'll get there.

If you're looking for something new to try and throw away that gym membership that you never use, then Custom Fitness Concepts is for you.
They have groups all around NOVA, DC & Maryland.

Check it out!

Three Thousand?!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

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The Backwards Bride has had over 3,000 hits!
What?! That's amazing!
Thank you, thank you.
It really excites me.

I've been thinking about starting this blog about a year ago and didn't officially publish my first post until the end of October.
I do not know where this blog will be in the future, but I have high hopes for it.

At first, I just wanted to see if I could keep up with it... and for the most part I can.
I'm also meeting some pretty awesome people.
I hope to continue to bring on new followers, maybe even make some money with it eventually.
There's also conferences/conventions that I've heard about that spike my interest.

To everyone that's been following my blog so far... THANKS!

Fourth of July

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Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July!!

Disney Princess Party

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

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My daughter has officially had THREE Birthday parties...


Where'd the time go?

Just a quick trip down memory lane...

Birthday #1

Birthday #2

Birthday #3

HAH!  It's been a fun ride with this little lady.

This year we were finally able to throw her party at our house.
Princess themed of course.

We had a cook out.  Which meant the Hubs finally got to use his Father's Day gift!

Uncle Ian cooked up some Seafood stew and Mac & Cheese...

Let's not forget about the Disney Princess moon bounce!

Briana's friends and family came.  Tia Leyla & Tio Dave drove all the way up from South Carolina to celebrate with us... probably because Briana DEMANDED over Skype to come!

(Proud Momma!)

I have learned that Cost Co cakes are Amazing.
They are huge, delicious and super duper cheap.

Another successful party down!
We had a good time and we're so thankful for the people that are in our baby girl's life.